Declutter printable checklist

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paint cans (check local recycling/disposal guidelines).non-working pens, markers or broken pencils.Anything you haven’t used in the past 6 months or longer.puzzles + board games with missing tools or utensils you don’t use.Now onto all those things you need to declutter. Then scroll down to find out how to snag my free printable check list. If you’d like to have a checklist version to keep you on your decluttering game.

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These things are pretty much just holding up space that you could otherwise be enjoying life with more. So to help you jumpstart your journey or to just take a little extra off your plate and clear the air so your mind can take a chill pull and relax I’ve put together a list of about 129 things you can declutter right now and you won’t even miss them. That’s what the minimalist journey is about! Living a life you love and freely without the burden of things that don’t make you happy. And YES to all the things that make you happy. You start to learn what you don’t want in your life and learn to say no to things you don’t want. One of the most beautiful things about minimalism is the tranquility it gives you. Whether your focusing in on the things or not your mind is still absorbing the energy from your environment.

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Sometimes it’s the things around you and you may not even realize it. Sometimes when life starts to feel a little rough or overwhelming it’s not necessary the things that are going on.

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